Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Cari Gonzalez-Casanova at American Gallery 5 February

Tree Houses, a project for 2013 with Julien Montfort
Your last chance to see the installation created by Carli Gonzalez-Casanova at the American Gallery. For this exhibition the artist shows a collection of her objects and drawings. It includes a maquette of the project 'Tree Houses' proposed for Marseille-Provence 2013 with the architect Julien Montfort.

You are invited to the closure of the exhibition at 2pm on Sunday 5 February.

Thursday, 26 January 2012

Tam de Villiers Quartet 26 January

Go to the Cri du Port, our favourite jazz venue, at 8:30 on Thursday 26 January to hear the Tam de Villiers Quartet. He is a British born guitarist who performs with a French saxophonist, double bass player and drummer. The second of their albums, Motion Unfolding, was released in October 2011 and was awarded the Revelation! prize by Jazz Magazine.  Entry 12€.

Tam de Villiers Quartet

Friday, 6 January 2012

Armenian Christmas 6 January

Celebrate Christmas with Marseille's Armenians. There's a concert with the Armenian choir Sahak Mesrop at the église Saint-Jérome, 6 Place Pélabon (13th arrondissement). It starts at 8:30pm and entry is free.

Thursday, 5 January 2012

Joris Branduas exhibition opening 10 January

If you go along to the Galerie Meyer 10 rue Fort Notre Dame (behind the Vieux Port, bus no. 83) at around 7pm on 10 January you can take part in the opening of the exhibition of Joris Branduas' work. If you cant make it the exhibition continues until 31 January.