Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Manuel Hermia Trio, Cri du Port 29 March

Jazz musician and explorer of world music, Manuel Hermia is involved in a number of musical projects, one of which is this trio (Manuel Hermia Saxophone, Flute, Bansuri; Manolo Cabras, double bass; Joao Lobo, drums, percussion). Their album Long Tales and Short Stories won the Octave Prize for the best Jazz project.

The concert at the Cri du Port starts at 8:30 on Thursday 29 March and costs 12€

Manuel Hermia

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Babel Med (World) Music Weekend 29-31 March

Babel Med is a world music forum with the days dedicated to professionals and the evenings open to the public. You can hear music from all over the world all in one place. There are a number of stages and around 10 performers each evening. 

It costs 15€ per evening. It's at the Dock des Suds. It starts at 7:30 on Thursday and 6:30 on Friday and Saturday and finishes around 2am. The tram (but not the metro) will run late to encourage you use public transport.

Thursday, 22 March 2012

Choral concert Gréasque 24 March

It's not exactly Marseille but it's close and it's a good cause. This concert features two local choirs Voix en Sol Mineur and Orphée. It's in the Salle R Galhuid in Gréasque (close to the Mairie), it starts at 8:30 and it's in aid of Rétina France, a charity that promotes research into ophthalmology. Entry is free (though you may wish to contribute to the charity).

Image courtesy

Wednesday, 14 March 2012

World Water Forum Part 2 - Carnival 17 March

This year Marseille's traditional carnival will be all about water to mark the end of the World Water Forum.

The main event will be a procession from the Rond Pont du Prado to the Parc Borély on 17 March from 2:30 to 3:45, with a finale in the Park from 4pm. All the big names will be there including Posiedon, Venus, Noah, Archimedes and Ulysses. Not to be missed.
image from
There are also processions all over the city on different dates, for details (in French) see the City's website.

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

World Water Forum, Pictures in Water 13 and 14 March

The 6th World Water Forum is taking place in Marseille this week. To mark the event you can go along to Cours Estienne d'Orves (behind the Vieux Port) and see the work of German photographer, traveller and ecologist Hans Silvester projected onto a wall of water. There's a performance at 7pm, 8pm, 9pm 10pm and 11pm and they last about 20 minutes.
The People of the Omo Valley Hans Silvester/Rapho/Eyedea