Friday, 31 August 2012

Rise Up Party, Le Poste à Galene, 7 September

No Boxes, No Boundaries is an association created by students with the goal of bringing new and eclectic forms of art and culture to a wide audience. It was launched in Paris but is now organizing an event - Rise Up Party - in Marseille, a city that they have fallen in love with.

There is an exhibition of photographs of New York by Tom Escarmelle and four DJs playing Hip-Hop and Dubstep. 10 €, Le Poste à Galene, 103 Rue Ferrari on 7 September.

Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Borderline Festival Saturday 1 September

Borderline is collective that produces events at venues with a difference, on London buses (in Marseille), on boats, on roofs and, on 1 September, at the Chateau de la Buzine (Marcel Pagnol's "chateau de ma mère"). From 5pm to midnight the music, food, drink, boules etc takes place outside the chateau and from midnight to 4am the music continues inside. That way they won't disturb the neighbours and wildlife. It features Dr Day, Zuzoom and DJ Moar (outside) and Venice Beach and Villanova (inside).

It costs 26.40€ for the whole thing, or 20.60€ for the outside event and 15€ for the indoor event. Tickets available on line from Digitick

Thursday, 23 August 2012

German Beer Festival in Allauch, 25 August

A little bit of Bavaria in Provence, the 23rd Allauch Beer Festival is a celebration of the village's twin town Vaterstetten in Bavaria. So you can dress in Lederhosen (if you must), drink beer and eat sauerkraut. It's a bit pricey at 34€ a head but good German beer is hard to find in these parts. It's at the Gymnase Jacques Gaillard (Pie d'Autry) at 8pm. Take a taxi!

You need to reserve, to do so ring: or contact the Allauch Tourist office, e-mail, tel:

Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Yusa and Lizzy Parks perform by the sea 14 August

The open air amphitheatre by the sea, Théâtre Silvain (Bus 83 to Fausse Monnaie), finishes its summer season on 14 August with a concert by Yusa and Lizzy Parks. Yusa is a Cuban singer/song writer, often compared to Tracy Chapman for her style of bitter sweet compositions. She won the BBC World Music awards for best newcomer and best Latin American performer. She plays guitar, keyboard and percussion mastering funk, rap, jazz and soul styles.

Lizzy Parks is the new discovery of the British label Tru Thoughts. She has a voice that will "transport you to unexplored places".

The venue is open 6pm to 11pm. Tickets cost 10€ (free for under 18s) and you can buy them in advance from digitick. You can take a picnic and/or try the tapas and cocktails that are on offer.

Thursday, 9 August 2012

Rare Concert at Notre Dame de la Garde 11 August

Concerts in Notre Dame de la Garde don't happen very often so make the most of it.

At 8pm on Saturday 11 August the Swiss bi-lingual boys' choir La Maîtrise des Petits Chanteurs de Fribourg will be perfoming pieces by J S Bach, Gounod and Scarlatti. Entry is free.

Maîtrise de Fribourg

Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Opera by the sea, Madam Butterfly, 11 and 13 August

Go along to the Théâtre Silvain, an open air amphitheatre facing the sea, this weekend and watch a performance of Madam Butterfly. It's not the full blown opera, it's a perfomance with singers and piano. the singing will be the orginal Italian with a narration in French. It starts at 9pm but the gates open at 7:30 so you can take a picnic. There are two performances on 11 and 13 August.

You can get tickets (8€ and 10€) from Espace Culture. To get to the venue, take the 83 bus to Fausse Monnaie, or there's a ferry boat from the Vieux Port that costs 8€. To book the ferry send a mail to accueil@croisiè,

Friday, 3 August 2012

Massilia Rock Festival Escale Borely 3-5 August

The sixth edition of Massilia Rock takes place this weekend at the Escale Borely. A free musicfest by the sea, with music workshops, a rock fashion parade with big red British double decker buses and of course music, local and European. You can see/hear Mary has Gun (from Aix), Wayaz (soul/rock from Marseille), Partik Monkeys (from Glasgow), Black Candy Store from Sweden and lots more. There is also a competition/showcase for new musicians.

Thursday, 2 August 2012

Jazz to start the weekend, 3 August

In concert at the Latté on Friday evening, Mariannick Saint-Céran, Paul Pioli and Hubert Rousselet. Mariannick, Réunionaise born in Madagascar, will be perfoming songs from her first album along with tributes to the great divas of jazz and a little bit of Bossa Nova.

Mariannick Saint-Céran, photo by François Guinard

The Latté is a restaurant, tea shop and music club in the Panier, 16 rue Echêvé. The concert is at 9pm on Friday 3 August. A fine start to the weekend.