Thursday, 24 January 2013

The start of a season of modern circus - Knitting for Peace 24 January

On 24 January the festival 'Cirque en corps" begins with a performance by the internationally renowned Swedish company Cirkus Cirkör. Is it possible to change the world by knitting? Can a world knitting movement make a difference and bring peace?  Performers use their bodies in apparently impossible ways to bring us a unique circus act that is not to be missed.

It costs 16€ and there are performances at CREAC 22 Boulevard de Méditerrannée, Thursday, Friday and Saturday starting at 8:30pm. If you're travelling from central Marseille, for the cost of a metro ticket there's a bus 10 minutes after the end of of the performance to the metro Bougainville or the Centre Bourse.

The festival continues for a month so watch this space.

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