Saturday, 18 May 2013

A night at the museums 18 May

It's European museums night on 18 May so get out there and visit that museum or art gallery you've always intended to see but never quite got around to. Today they're open late and the'yre free. What's more some of them have extra live performances around the theme of the flowers of May.

At the Musée Grobet Labadié (140 Boulevard Longchamp) there is a perfomance by a flautist, Agnes Royon le Mee, and a singer/actor, Danielle Stephan, called Chante Fleurs et Chante Flûtes.

At the Préau de Accoules (29 Montée des Accoules) there's a musical, Coco Neil et les Gars Gazon, by Isabelle Matthieu and Alain Bordes.

At the Musée Cantini (19 Rue Grignan) there's an audio installation by Phil Specrum, Christian Berthelot, Dominique Dauchart and Amandine Buixeda.

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